We launched FSBOLawyers.org because…

For a long time, real estate brokers have had an essential monopoly on the legal services they provide. It is not uncommon for a buyer and a seller to find each other. You’ve heard of the internet, right? And tenants buy the place from their landlord all the time….

When that happens, most people think they should hire a real estate agent to make the sale happen. Probably not the best move!

Real estate agents charge “points,” a percentage commission of the total sale value. That system makes sense where the agent takes on a new client and doesn’t know if the transaction will be successful. Sometimes sellers end up taking the home off the market. Sometimes buyers decide to not buy.

But if the seller and the buyer have found each other and are ready to negotiate, the risk of not getting paid is much lower. And there is less work to do!!! Nonetheless, real estate agents will still charge a percentage commission — they may even ask for the “full” 3%.

To close a sale, the parties need a written contract. With a written contract, escrow, title, and the lender all get to work and make the sale happen. Without a written contract, absolutely nothing will happen. And drafting a contract? That is the practice of law — what we do.

And we almost certainly charge less than a real estate agent! Amazing but true — and evidence of how the internet has turned the world upside down. A lawyer charging less than a real estate agent for the services required? That is so 21st Century!

Give any of us a shout. We’d love to tell you how we provide great value to our clients. Because we’re here to offer consumers a better alternative.


Co-Ownership of Real Property by Single People